The Weber-Morgan Health Department would like to make business leaders aware of new availability for those seeking the COVID-19 vaccine in our community. The day is fast approaching when these FREE mass vaccination clinics will be winding down. There is currently no cost to you, the individual or your insurance company for the vaccine if you visit one of our clinics at the Dee Events Center on the campus of Weber State University.

Walk-ins are now welcome at all the clinics held at the Dee Events Center. On May 3 and 4, we will have extended hours to 7 p.m. We have recently received larger shipments of all three varieties and are now available in our community. We’ve timed the foot traffic and the entire process can be completed in 15 minutes, not including the waiting period after you have received your shot.
Please visit VaccinateUtah for the dates, times and the brands offered at the Dee Events Center, or check the VaccineFinder for another location near you.
You may also request a mobile clinic for your business at this link made available through the Utah Department of Health. Please allow a week for a response about fulfilling your request. It truly may be faster to have your employees visit the Dee Events Center rather than waiting for a clinic to come to you.
Brian Cowan, MPH, LEHS
Health Officer/Executive Director