Utah Neighborhood Connection (UNC) is a nonprofit organization on a mission to empower and love their neighbors. They provide vital resources to the community and play a crucial role in youth development. Some of their programs include after school programs, summer programs, and free grocery events.
Utah Neighborhood Connection (UNC) is more than just a nonprofit organization on a mission to empower and love their neighbors, it’s the beating heart of community engagement in Ogden, Utah. But how do they achieve this?
The Ogden-Weber Chamber of Commerce Small Business Council is excited to announce the release of the UNC Business Spotlight video. Just 5 years old the UNC has had a lasting impact on individuals and families in their community.
This all started with a cup of hot chocolate. Hundreds of students would congregate in the parking lot after school. UNC began serving hot chocolate and coffee to students and parents as they would leave school. COVID hit soon after and knowing the life stories of these families urged founders into creating a Free Grocery event.
The food comes through a partnership with Synergy in Action who gathers overstock food items from around the state and donates to organizations like UNC. Food and other items are also donated from local sources. During the COVID years, the Free Grocery event was held every Tuesday. UNC now announces the event via their social channels and is once or twice a month. Through the years of service, not one family has been turned away. Miraculously, there has always been just enough or a little extra at the end of the event.
The After School Program is a 5 day a week program offering a safe place for students to relax, complete homework, enjoy fun activities, and enjoy a hot meal around the table. They integrate mentoring into each activity, with mentors assisting with homework, building relationships, offering activities to develop their self-confidence, service, and leadership.

The Summer Program is for Junior High aged kids Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-5pm. The program provides a fun summer where kids can spend time with one another and do activities they may not get the opportunity to otherwise. Breakfast and Lunch are included each day.
Utah Neighborhood Connection thrives on the support of the community. Whether you’re interested in volunteering your time, donating resources, or participating in their programs, there are countless ways to get involved. By joining forces with UNC, you can be a part of building a stronger and more vibrant Ogden for everyone.
Visit the Utah Neighborhood Connection website at https://www.connectutah.org/ to learn more about their programs and how you can contribute to their mission of empowering and loving your neighbors.