Grand Opening Planned for Dumke Arts Plaza in Ogden
Construction is near completion on the Dr. Ezekiel R. and Edna Wattis Dumke Arts Plaza, located in Ogden, Utah. The Dumke Arts Plaza will be an arts-focused community space, a dynamic outdoor gallery, and an intimate performance venue. The plaza is designed to inspire creativity, elevate diverse perspectives, and anchor Ogden as a hub for contemporary art. The plaza will feature major art installations as well as community-led arts programming ranging from small concerts, to dance performances, to video art. It will be a space to engage with art in all its forms, but also a place for everyday gatherings — sharing lunch with a friend or enjoying a family visit.
The community is invited to celebrate the grand opening of the Dumke Arts Plaza on Friday, Dec. 3 from 6-9 p.m. at 445 25th Street, at the corner of 25th Street and Ogden Avenue. The event will serve as the premiere of the plaza’s inaugural exhibition, a selection of work by internationally renowned American sculptor Chakaia Booker, curated by Weber State University. Also on display will be the Beacon, a permanent sculptural piece that extends from the plaza over 25th Street. Invited speakers will make brief remarks at 6:15 pm and performances will take place throughout the evening. All are encouraged to attend and celebrate the Dumke Arts Plaza as a new arts-focused space for the community.
A unique collaboration among project partners and community members has shaped the Dumke Arts Plaza. The Dr. Ezekiel R. and Edna Wattis Dumke Foundation is the lead funder for the project. The Foundation’s gift of more than $2.2 million to support the Dumke Arts Plaza is intended to honor the legacy of its founders and their commitment to Ogden. Ogden City and Weber County RAMP also contributed major funding to the project. The Foundation, Ogden City, RAMP, Weber State University, and Ogden Contemporary Arts, along with community stakeholders, collaborated closely to develop the vision for the Dumke Arts Plaza. The plaza design was led by renowned firm, Sasaki Associates, working with Ogden-based firms IO LandArch and Union Creative Agency. Hogan Construction is now building the plaza.
The Dumke Arts Plaza represents the transformation of a blighted motel property into an innovative civic space that will bring the community together around art in Ogden’s dynamic Nine Rails Creative District. The plaza’s design, inspired by the region’s dynamic landscape, has the flexibility to support many types of art, from large-scale installations to small performances, and includes an LED screen for displaying film and video art. An elevated platform known as the plinth provides more space for arts programming, as well as a new perspective on the plaza and its surroundings. The Dumke Arts Plaza is a welcoming public space, with interactive play elements, unique lighting, benches, and waterwise landscaping. A major feature of the Dumke Arts Plaza is the Beacon, a new sculpture that extends over 25th Street, inviting visitors to explore the plaza.
The Dumke Arts Plaza creates an exciting opportunity to share world-class art exhibitions with the community in an outdoor civic space. Weber State University’s Mary Elizabeth Dee Shaw Gallery and the Department of Visual Art & Design are proud to curate the inaugural exhibition at the Dumke Arts Plaza, featuring a selection of work by the internationally renowned American sculptor Chakaia Booker. The exhibition includes three major recent pieces by Booker. Booker’s distinctive approach to form and materiality, utilizing repurposed automotive tire rubber to construct complex and monumental abstract objects, speaks eloquently to themes of transformation, reimagining, and recontextualization. As such, her work is a uniquely fitting focal point for the public’s first opportunity to experience world-class public art at the Dumke Arts Plaza, itself a major initiative in the revitalization and reclamation of civic space for Ogden, the state, and the region.
For more information about the Dumke Arts Plaza, please visit Ogden City encourages community members and organizations interested in hosting arts programming and events at the Dumke Arts Plaza to visit the website for more information.
For more information about the Chakaia Booker exhibition presented by Weber State University, please visit The exhibition will be on view to the public from Dec. 3, 2021, through May 15, 2022. The exhibition is presented in partnership with Ogden City and Ogden Contemporary Arts and is made possible by the generous support of the Dr. Ezekiel R. and Edna Wattis Dumke Foundation, the Matthew S. Browning Center for Design, and the Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities.
Ogden’s First Friday Art Stroll Hybrid edition will continue for March. The opportunity for people to watch from their homes is still available as live videos are posted on the Ogden_Arts Instagram page. For those wanting to get out and see the art can do so as precautions are taken by each open location. The #OgdenSharesArt is another way for artists to have their work featured on social media platforms. During the Hybrid First Friday Art Stroll short videos will be shared throughout the event on Friday, March 5 from 6-9 p.m.
During the month of March there will be an added pop-up event with the HEARTS in Ogden featured throughout the city, thanks to the YCC Family Crisis Center. The hearts are a fundraiser for their organization since their annual gala was canceled due to Covid-19.
Waffle Love in Ogden, The Bonneville Space, and the Local Artisan Collective are a few locations open. They do practice social distancing, require masks as you enter and have sanitizing stations. You can stop by at The Corner, the small white kiosk on Washington and 25th Street to get your art stroll map.
To be featured during the art stroll continue to use the hashtag #OgdenSharesArt. Show the Ogden Arts Community what you have created. Did you just finish a project, make an amazing masterpiece or sketch something? Share it. During this time of social distancing and change, art is always an outlet to express your thoughts and feelings.
Check out what some community partners are up to either virtually or at their locations (with restrictions) by referencing the list below.
Use #OgdenSharesArt to have your art featured on our page. Your images and video clips will be shared on Friday, March 5 on Ogden City social media outlets between 6-9 p.m.
Social Media:
IG – Ogden_Arts / The_Corner_Ogden
FB – OgdenCityArts / TheCorner / OgdensFirstFridayArtStroll
About Ogden City Arts
Ogden City Arts supports the belief that the arts are an integral part of a healthy culture, providing both intellectual nourishment and social benefit, and that community arts programs provide significant value both to communities and to artists.Ogden City Arts’ mission is to enrich the lives of Ogden residents and visitors by ensuring access to visual, performing, and literary arts and arts education. In supporting arts organizations and independent artists Ogden City Arts works to connect the arts to daily life, education, and economic development.
Pop-Up Event
If you have not had the opportunity to see the HEARTS in Ogden now is your chance. The YCC Family Crisis Center will continue to have them on display for the Art Stroll.
A little bit about the fundraiser…The YCC Family Crisis Center in Ogden has not only noticed a loss in funds, but it has also seen an uptick in domestic violence cases, spreading funds incredibly thin. For the past two years, during its annual gala, the YCC had record donations allowing them to help hundreds of families throughout the community. Just last year, the nonprofit raised $75,000. The YCC is granting sponsorships that will give sponsors the opportunity to have their logos or names displayed on the hearts along with messages of hope, love, and peace. The proceeds from this campaign will help YCC continue to provide critical services for Weber and Morgan County. To donate or to learn more about the YCC Family Crisis Center and the Heart of Ogden Campaign, visit:
Gallery Happenings
Cara Koolmees
You can stop in and see Cara Koolmees at her gallery. She will be there to greet you wearing a mask and showing you her latest work along with calendars, prints and cards. You can call Cara at 801-540-2299 or visit her website if you have something you are looking for.
Cara Koolmees – 256 Historic 25th Street, Ogden
Eccles Community Art Center
During March, the Eccles Art Center celebrates the creativity of Utah’s Women Artists. The Second Annual “Women: The Creative Edge” will open with a reception for the artists and the public on Friday, March 5, 2021 from 5 to 8 p.m. The exhibit will remain on display at the Eccles Art Center, 2580 Jefferson Avenue, Ogden through March 27, 2021. Admission to the center’s exhibits is complimentary.
“Women: The Creative Edge” is a competitive exhibit with 75 Utah women artists registered to participate. The Eccles Art Center staff is pleased that this exhibit will feature Women artists from Providence to Springville, Heber City to Grantsville with a variety of art from paintings to sculpture, textiles to pottery, handmade books to paper collage. It shall be an exhibit that you will not want to miss.
A total of $2500 in prizes will be awarded with a best of show presented in both the two dimensional and three-dimensional categories. Awards will be posted during the reception and may be viewed on the art center’s website: The Eccles Art Center’s COVID gallery hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The center is closed Sundays and major holidays. For information, please call 801-392-6935.
Eccles Community Art Center – 2580 Jefferson Ave, Ogden
Gallery 25
Stop in and check out their display of art from numerous local artists. Their featured artist for March is BJ Jensen. They offer three floors of paintings, pottery, and a variety of other pieces.
Ogden Contemporary Arts
The newly opened Ogden Contemporary Arts Gallery is featuring The Changing Room exhibit by Lauren Lee McCarthy. Read below a little bit about it.
As a society, we have established a general comfort level with the presence of artificial intelligence in our lives and homes. We ask Alexa to call mom, dim the lights and preheat the oven; we accept the targeted ads that influence our shopping habits, and regularly indulge in social media scrolling that undoubtedly influences our mood, energy levels and feelings. But at what point do we draw the line, and where does that comfort level end? In addition to managing external tasks, what if AI could directly access and alter our internal emotions? And what if we could also utilize that technology to manipulate the emotional state of others?
This winter, Los Angeles-based artist Lauren Lee McCarthy raises these questions and more through her immersive installation, “The Changing Room,” at OCA Center. Imagining an environment of smart architecture that controls emotion, McCarthy arranges the entire gallery into various live-work type environments that are conducive to human interaction yet guided by digital presence. On the second level is an accessible control panel where visitors are invited to browse and select one of two hundred emotions, which is then evoked throughout the entire space – and ultimately in everyone within it – through a layered response of lights, sounds, and visuals. “I’m hoping it brings up the question of what’s at stake when we bring AI into public and private spaces, and the ways our emotional experiences are mediated by technology,” says McCarthy of the exhibit.
Ogden Contemporary Arts – 455 25th Street, Ogden
The Argo House
This March, Carper Contemporary presents its pop-up exhibition at The Argo House with I Know Some Nice People, featuring the work of Ogden-based artist Matthew Choberka. Choberka, painter and art professor at Weber State University, releases a body of work for the show that continues to evolve his exploration of figurative elements amidst his typical turbulent abstraction. New paintings as well as works on paper will be exhibited at The Argo House from February 5th to April 30th in the downstairs lobby and upstairs common areas.
ARTIST STATEMENT: “When I suggested giving this show the title, “I Know Some Nice People,” I thought it pretty clever; a way to point toward the way these pictures embody a grotesquery that I perceive just about everywhere in our contemporary lives…in our politics, in our culture.”
“But that’s not really it. At least as important, and very likely much more so, is a reckoning going on with aspects of myself. My imagination, my knowledge, such as they are, all I have to guide me in painting. But, until I have this work mirrored back to me, in the responses of friends, colleagues, I find that I cannot even fully “see” what it is I am painting. Art demands a self-acceptance that I am not sure is possible for me.” Learn more about the artist and exhibition at this link.
The Argo House – 529 25th Street, Ogden
The Bonneville
For the month of March, The Bonneville will feature artwork by Steve D. Stones. Be sure to stop in and check it out.
The Bonneville – 221 25th Street, Ogden
The Local Artisan Collective
The Local Artisan Collective welcomes you to their ONLINE Art Stroll on Friday, March 5, 2021! They will be open for the Art Stroll from 6:00 – 9:00 pm.
They are ready to have some fun!
FEATURED ARTIST: Korrina Robinson from KaelMijoy Polymer Clay and More.
Korrina started “claying” 17 years ago when her 3rd child was just a newborn. (The same year she started homeschooling!) She wanted a way to make unique beads that could not be found anywhere for sale and discovered polymer clay. As she dug deeper into the world of internet tutorials, she discovered all the amazing things that can be done with this fun medium and the rest is history. She seldom makes beads now, opting to create relief sculpture these days which include flowers, journal covers, filigree, Christmas ornaments, unique jewelry, charms and more. She also loves teaching classes and sharing what she has learned with others.
JOIN US ONLINE: Artists will be going live, talking with each other in this group, sharing art tips, playing games, doing giveaways and more.
The Local Artisan Collective – 2371 Kiesel Ave, Ogden
The Monarch
Join on Open Studio Night! Doors open at 6 p.m. Meet 40+ artists and makers, purchase original work, and stroll within this amazing historic structure now Ogden’s newest creative community.
Special safety guidelines including masks, social distancing and frequent sanitizing will be practiced. If you may be at RISK; pre-existing conditions, immune-compromised, age-related, we ask that you please stay home and do not attend at this time.
- Workshops happening each hour in the workshop space
- Giveaways, Contests, and Discounts at various studios
- Food Truck in the Alley
- Plus, Jessica Greenberg displaying projection art on The Monarch building
Family friendly, socially distanced fun! Masks required.
- WB’s Eatery: Dinner, and Drinks at WB’s
- The Art Box in conjunction with The Monarch, they will be featuring local artist Kara Jane Aina. Here is a short bio: Kara Jane Aina was born and raised in New Brunswick, Canada. She attended art school at Mount Allison University in Canada then transferred to Brigham Young University in Utah where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree majoring in Intaglio and Lithography. She also received an Art Education K-12 teaching certification from Utah State University. She currently teaches art to grades 9-12 through a school in West Jordan, Utah. Although she loves teaching, pursuing her own creative instincts is her passion. Kara Jane works primarily in watercolor and oil paints. Her work is inspired by connections and interactions she has with family, friends, and nature. She paints florals, botanicals, abstracts, still life and surface design fabric for licensing. She enjoys having multiple projects on the go and alternating between them allowing the ideas to “percolate.” She has a deep love for a simple and clean aesthetic, dramatic watercolor washes, vintage fabrics, and the interplay of shape, pattern, and color. Kara Jane’s work can be found in local shows and markets, on her website, through, and on a variety of products featuring her artwork in collaborations with various companies.
- Van Sessions: 7:00 pm & 8:00 p.m.: Live Music with Van Sessions by The Banyan Collective
- Ogden Contemporary Arts: see listing Ogden Contemporary Arts above for details
The Monarch – 455 25th Street, Ogden
Union Station
March’s exhibit is titled: Myra Powell: A Trailblazer and Artist of the Midcentury. The exhibit focuses on the work of Myra Powell, a local female artist of the 1930s-1940s who pushed the boundaries of modern art in Utah. The body of her work focuses on non-objective art, which is a type of abstract art that is usually, but not always, geometric and aims to convey a sense of simplicity and purity. Myra Powell, is from Ogden, studied at the University of Utah, USAC Art Barn (or known today as USU), with private instructors and at Laguna Beach, Calif. Mrs. Powell had exhibited her work in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Mrs. Powell was a charter member of Ogden’s Palette Club, and VP of Utah Creative Artists. The exhibit will be on display March 5-31, 2021.
Union Station – 2501 Wall Ave, Ogden
Waffle Love
When you stop in to purchase a waffle be sure to check out their gallery upstairs with featured artist, Gavin Hendricksen. Here is a short bio: I have loved to create for as long as I can remember but it wasn’t until after the birth of my oldest daughter in 2012 that I started painting. I enjoy painting with oils and acrylics. I am originally from South Carolina but spent many years in North Carolina as well where I was inspired to create low country landscapes and florals. My art has evolved and grown since our move to Ogden almost 2 years ago where my inspiration has taken a turn because of the gorgeous landscapes here! I’ve truly enjoyed the change and growth it has brought my family and creative process! My pieces are purposefully happy art and I hope you enjoy them!
Waffle Love – 109 E 25th Street, Ogden